Paralegal Job Description and Details About Paralegal Jobs

Paralegal Job Description A paralegal is a very important part of our legal system which actually acts as a link between the common people and the law system. Paralegal is the best option if you want…


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Automate your life with Ruby and Selenium

In the past I created some automation scripts using python and I was interested how easy or how hard it was to setup the environment required and to log onto a website. Just like they keep telling me programmers are lazy and the least amount of work we can do the better.

3. Either Chrome or Firefox (easier)

Received Error message: Could not find Firefox binary (os=macosx)

`brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" firefox

The two available options:

You have two options within when using Selenium WebDriver. You can use Firefox or Chrome. Firefox requires one line of code while Chrome requires multiple lines.

Inputs login email and password

Why maximize the screen? Sometimes trying to find element won’t work and you will need to use coordinates within the screen your are testing on. Also, you may not be testing if an element is located on a website, but rather the click functionality.

I placed the program to sleep so I could wait for the website to load before continuing. A better option would have been to wait until it was able to find a the element requested before continuing (future improvements!).

Afterwards I went in and located a corresponding id that would allow me to click on the plus button.

Below you will see that my mouse remains in the same spot. The rest is being ran by the selenium web driver.

For this intro blog I was not able to fully complete what I wanted which was to send a message to an instructor at Flatiron School, mainly due to time.

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