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Asemic Writing

Asemic artwork by Himani Kumawat

A few years back I was introduced to Asemic writing and artwork. Since then I have followed it as a creative option and intuitional practice. Researched a lot and it is not shocking that it is not that recognized. It is sometimes conflicting even in my mind that why even write/draw if you can’t read or understand and then I try even harder to understand it, start looking at more work and I find it even more intriguing. I guess this conflict will always be present but will definitely be suppressed by the freedom and abstractness which is present in it.

“Asemic works leave for the reader to decide how to translate and explore an asemic text; in this sense, the reader becomes co-creator of the asemic work.” This statement itself is so amazing as it sounds. For almost every artist it is important that the viewer interacts with the work both emotionally(What the work is?) and physically(How it is made?) and Asemic writing emphasizes both and maybe more on the emotional aspect but it connects the viewer rather more. One thing that I have noticed is asemic work can be polysemantic or have zero meaning, infinite meanings, or its meaning can evolve over time and that for me is the most beautiful thing about asemic writing and artwork. If you ask me the difference between asemic writing and artwork, I would say there is a very thin line and this line actually vanishes sometimes, merging both writing and art. For example, the artwork which you saw at the beginning, for me it is both writing and artwork because of the way it is presented/drawn. Here are a few more Asemic works that I have experimented with over the past few years.

Asemic writing with colors by Himani kumawat

Bringing in some colors gives it a totally different feeling. The colors used are also based on what I was feeling or experiencing that time and was actually very much intuitional.

Asemic bricolage artwork by Himani kumawat

I Will be posting more work related to asemic in the future, so stay connected! If you want to know more about asemic check the links attached in the resources section or if you have any questions write it down in the comments or mail it to me, I will be more than happy to discuss.

Thank you for reading! Stay safe.

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